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  1. New camper sites must be approved by club president

  2. All new buildings and porches must be approved by club president

  3. All trapping requires permission by club president, 6 hog limit – gun and trap applies   

  4. Hunters must sign in on book and board

  5. Hunters must log kill in book at sign in shed with date, field, stand# or name

  6. Club limit – 2 un-antlered deer per member per season

  7. No driving on food plots or around gates—THIS IS A MUST

  8. No alcohol while hunting

  9. Violation of state game laws may result in loss of membership

  10. All carcasses are to be disposed of in approved pit

  11. No littering on roads, woods, shooting houses, and campgrounds



  1. Guest will be limited to 4 days per year, per guest; any un-antlered deer killed by guest will be charged to sponsoring member; Guest fee $25.00

  2. Guest will be charged a $100.00 kill fee, applicable to following year’s membership, if available. Guest must wear guest badge visibly, and place dues and kill fee in box in sign-in shed.

  3. All guest must sign in as guest and write-in name of sponsoring member

  4. Ex-members require prior approval before hunting as a guest



  1. Each member is required to work 2 days per year

  2. Work days: Memorial Day weekend  and Labor Day weekend

  3. Alternate work days can be arranged by contacting Kevin

  4. Alternate work list will be posted at sign-in sheds & website

  5. Hunting privileges will be suspended until December 1st for anyone not complying with work day rules



  1. Camper setup and water and power hookups must be approved by club management

  2. Yearly power bill is paid in advance per camper space occupant. Amount changes yearly.

  3. Exceptions will be decided by club management

  4. Camper or material left on club property over 120 days after membership expires will be disposed of at owner’s expense


Mail dues to:                                                                          

                Kevin Barnes                                                                                           

                25794 Watson lane                                                                                        

                Elkmont, AL 35620                                                                                   



                       by March 15                                                            




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